Lever Delivers Enhancements in Summer 2019 Product Release

diversity hiring manager candidate collaboration

The Lever Summer 2019 release enhances candidate profiles, expands integrations, and enables a data-driven strategy to improve diversity

We’re excited to announce that Lever’s Summer 2019 Product Release is now live!

The release includes enhancements that provide visibility into diversity metrics, improved collaboration between hiring managers and recruiters, and streamlined third-party data. The update further delivers on the promise of a relationship-centric, data-driven recruiting platform for simple, efficient, and predictable hiring.

The highlights of the Summer 2019 product release include:

  • Diversity Insights, a new feature that empowers teams to measure progress toward diversity goals and pinpoint instances of potential bias.
  • The Opportunities Timeline, a new view on the Unified Profile that enables recruiters and hiring managers to see a more complete picture of their candidates and how they are engaging with your company across campaigns and job opportunities. 
  • Third-party profile data integrated into Lever’s Unified Profile. This gives recruiters visibility into third-party data like background checks, assessment scores, and HRIS data without ever having to leave the Lever system.

Diversity Insights

Lever customers can now measure their progress toward diversity goals with Diversity Insights, a new feature designed to pinpoint instances of potential bias. Diversity Insights provides fully customizable surveys, granular reporting, and data-driven insights to help companies build a more diverse pipeline and a more equitable recruiting process.

Opportunities Timeline

We’ve also added a new Opportunities Timeline view to the Unified Profile. This view enables recruiters to see candidate and recruiting information when a candidate is involved in different job opportunities simultaneously. This allows multiple recruiters to manage the same candidate through multiple job opportunities while maintaining a single unified view of the candidate. 

The unique way these enhancements were designed eliminates the risk of duplicate profiles and captures more accurate and more granular sourcing and process data. It also provides a more comprehensive and strategic view of all opportunities, communications, feedback, and nurture campaigns the candidate is engaged in.

Seamless processes with third-party data
We’re continuing to invest in our Talent Cloud integration strategy by driving additional enhancements to the third-party profile data and underlying APIs. New integration capabilities now allow third-party data to be displayed in a unified profile which eliminates the need for recruiters to go to another system and disrupt their workflow.

To learn more about the Lever Summer 2019 release and to see these features in action, schedule a call with one of our recruiting experts.