5 Ways You Should Be Using Glassdoor

how to use glassdoor

With more than 41 million monthly visitors, Glassdoor can be a tremendous resource to help you attract and close top-tier talent. Candidates use the site to research employers, write and read reviews, share and read interview questions, find new job opportunities, and research salaries. As an employer, effectively managing your organization’s presence on Glassdoor can help you out your best foot forward with these candidates.

Showcase your employer brand

If you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free Glassdoor employer account and complete your profile. You can add a company description, photos, and benefits to show candidates what it’s like to work at your company, and help them decide whether they’d be interested in a role. Doing so will help you attract twice as many qualified job candidates, according to Glassdoor. You may also upgrade to a paid Enhanced Profile, which offers things like the ability to advertise your company and jobs on your competitor’s profiles.

Monitor and respond to reviews and interview feedback

Glassdoor is a go-to site for employer reviews. Fifty two percent of Glassdoor members read reviews at the start of their job search prior to speaking with a company recruiter or hiring manager. Make it a point to monitor and respond to reviews and feedback on interviews as they are posted. Thank people for their time spent submitting a review, whether it is positive or negative overall, and address any complaints mentioned. While some complaints may be valid opportunities for improvement, others may be a matter of culture fit—so do your best to be transparent. Nine in 10 job seekers find the employer perspective useful when learning about a company, and 69% say their perception of a company improves after seeing them respond to a review.

Review published interview questions

It’s a good idea to create a structured interview so candidates are all on an even-playing field. However, this ceases to be the case when your interview questions are listed on Glassdoor, because candidates can prepare for them. Regularly review published interview questions and change them up to make sure candidates on Glassdoor don’t get an unfair advantage. While this won’t be as important for the more standard questions, like, “What is your proudest accomplishment,” it is crucial for interview steps like a coding challenge. When you see a problem-solving question published, change it up so candidates are evaluated on their ability to work through the problem—not memorize the answer.

Post jobs

When candidates are researching your employer brand, make it easy for them to find relevant job opportunities right on Glassdoor. Eighty nine percent of users are either actively looking for jobs or would consider better opportunities. Since candidates have often researched organizations before submitting an application, they tend to be higher quality than those from other job boards who “spray and pray.” In addition to displaying jobs on your Employer Profile, you can also show them on your competitor’s profiles with display ads targeted to your ideal candidates.

Note to Lever customers: You can push your job postings to Glassdoor with our one-click integration.

Research salary information

When it comes time to close your candidate, make sure you’re providing a competitive offer. The most common reason a candidate declines a job offer is that compensation and benefits were not in line with their expectations. The second most common reason is that they received another offer—and 50% of those said the other opportunity offered better compensation.

Glassdoor Salaries shows candidates national and area average salaries for any given position, as well as a personalized salary estimate. You can use this tool to determine a competitive salary range, and see what your closest competitors are paying employees. Armed with this data, you can put together a compensation package that can help you win top-tier talent.


Glassdoor has long been known to be a valuable tool for candidates and, because of their strong user base, is also a quite valuable tool for employers. Candidates use the site to determine where they are interested in working, and your presence there can be the difference between attracting a top-tier candidate, or losing them to a competitor.