
Hire Smarter in 2018: How to Goal-set with your Hiring Manager

If you don’t prioritize candidate sourcing, we don’t exactly blame you. Sourcing is easy to preach about, but it’s a struggle to focus on regularly. Why spend hours trying to garner responses from candidates when you can just respond to applications?

Because proactive sourcing is the surest way to fill your high-priority, hard-to-fill roles.

Since Shopify zeroed in on proactive outreach three years ago, their growth has been relentless. They’ve scaled from 550 to 1900 employees and made 387 hires through proactive sourcing, including 110 hard-to-fill roles.

But that’s not all. They’ve also doubled their candidate response rate to cold outreach from 21% to 42% since rolling out Lever Nurture.

Want to know the secrets behind their unprecedented success? On June 7th, Recruiting Research Lead Sarah Eastman and Recruiting Researcher Jess Verbruggen will share their go-to sourcing strategies that actually engage candidates.

Tune in, and you’ll walk away knowing:

  • Why Shopify knew they had to prioritize proactive sourcing in the first place
  • How they got buy-in to build a team of recruiting researchers who specialize in sourcing
  • Actionable tips to increase your response rate to cold outreach
  • Why sourcing is a grind, but why it’s still more than worth it

You won’t want to miss this exclusive glimpse at the strategies behind Shopify’s rapid and continued growth.